2023 South Coast Gross Domestic Product

by Guy Tauer

January 23, 2025

New figures published from the Bureau of Economic Analysis show healthy gains in Oregon and South Coast gross domestic product (GDP) between 2022 and 2023. GDP statistics are just some of the figures recently released and now available at the county level for 2023 at www.bea.gov. 

Gross domestic product (GDP) measures the value of final goods and services produced within the United States. Also known as value added, GDP is the value of goods and services produced by private industry and government, less the value of goods and services used up in production. 

In 2023, Coos County’s gross domestic product was $3.2 billion, which was an increase of 4.0% from 2022 and was the 911th highest GDP among 3,114 U.S. counties. Curry County’s GDP was $970 million, up 5.0% over the year to rank 1,827th highest. The South Coast’s GDP increase was stronger than Oregon statewide (2.3%) and the U.S. increase (2.9%). 

Graph showing South Coast real gross domestic product

In real, or inflation-adjusted dollars, Coos County total GDP rose from about $1.9 billion in 2001 to $2.6 billion, in 2017 dollars, by 2023. Curry County real GDP climbed from about $563 million to $746 million over that time. In the past decade, Coos County’s real GDP rose by 22.3% and Curry’s increased by 18.7%. In comparison, U.S. total GDP climbed by 27.3% and Oregon’s GDP rose by 38.1% from 2013 to 2023. 

Graph showing U.S., Oregon, and South Coast percent change in real gross domestic product

The South Coast has roughly matched the state and national trend over time. Interestingly, during the year of the COVID pandemic recession in 2020, U.S. GDP fell by 2.2% whereas Curry County GDP declined a bit more, down by 2.9% and Coos County’s GDP was down by just 0.1%. During 2021 and 2022 U.S. GDP growth outpaced the South Coast, and both South Coast counties saw a bit stronger increases than the nation in 2023. 

The final two charts show the share of total 2023 gross domestic product for Coos and Curry counties. The largest shares of economic output are in the financial activities; government; and manufacturing sectors in the South Coast.

Graph showing Coos County gross domestic product by sector, 2023

Graph showing Curry County gross domestic product by sector, 2023

The Bureau of Economic Analysis has plenty more data and figures available. For more information, visit the website at www.bea.gov and explore the interactive tables, maps and other data.

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