Workforce System Performance Measures:Entered Employment Rate
Entered Employment Rate Measure - PRISM
Report Types
- Summary
- Workforce Programs
- By Workforce Areas
- By DHS Districts
- Education Programs
Report Quarters
Date Types
Workforce Areas
DHS Districts
Instructional Programs
Select Instructional Program(s)
- 00.0000All Programs
- 11.0000Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services
- 12.0000Personal and Culinary Services
- 13.0000Education
- 14.0000Engineering
- 15.0000Engineering Technologies and Engineering-Related Fields
- 16.0000Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
- 19.0000Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences
- 23.0000English Language and Literature/Letters
- 24.0000Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities
- 26.0000Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- 30.0000Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies
- 32.0000Basic Skills and Developmental/Remedial Education
- 40.0000Physical Sciences
- 41.0000Science Technologies/Technicians
- 42.0000Psychology
- 43.0000Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services
- 44.0000Public Administration and Social Service Professions
- 46.0000Construction Trades
- 47.0000Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians
- 48.0000Precision Production
- 49.0000Transportation and Materials Moving
- 50.0000Visual and Performing Arts
- 51.0000Health Professions and Related Programs
- 52.0000Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services
- ^0.000No Information / Missing / Unknown
- 99.9999No Information / Missing / Unknown
Entered Employment Rate Q2 Measure
Line chart with 3 lines.
All Areas for Exit Quarter 2015 Q2 thru 2024 Q1
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Data ranges from -2 to 76.
End of interactive chart.
Entered Employment Rate Q2 Measure
Bar chart with 13 bars.
Workforce Areas for Exit Quarter 2024 Q1
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Data ranges from 65 to 73.
End of interactive chart.
Entered Employment Rate Q2 Measure Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) by Education Type for PY 2022 (Jul 2022 - Jun 2023)
| |||
Program (CIP) Description | Entered Employment Rate Q2 | ||
46 - Construction Trades | ChartBar chart with 2 bars. The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories. The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Data ranges from 44 to 44. Loading... End of interactive chart. | ||
99 - No Information / Missing / Unknown | ChartBar chart with 2 bars. The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories. The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Data ranges from 100 to 100. Loading... End of interactive chart. | ||
48 - Precision Production | ChartBar chart with 2 bars. The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories. The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Data ranges from -2 to -2. Loading... End of interactive chart. |
Source: Oregon Employment Department
- Entered Employment Rate: The percentage of program participants who were not employed at the first date of participation and who are in unsubsidized employment during the given quarter after exit from the program. The employment rate is calculated by dividing the number of Total Employed by the number of Total Exited.
- Exit: For Workforce Partners, an exit occurs when a customer has not received any services for 90 days and no future services are planned. For Education Partners, an exit occurs when a student has not been enrolled in a community college or university for two consecutive terms. An exit does not equate to graduation. Students may or may not graduate at the time they are considered exited for PRISM purposes.
- Total Exited: The total number of unduplicated participants who received services and exited.
- Total Employed: The total number of unduplicated participants who exited and were employed in the given quarter after exit.
- Partners: The following Oregon agencies and programs participate in PRISM: WorkSource (Employment Services); OED (Unemployment Insurance and Trade Act); ODHS (SNAP, TANF); HECC (Title I Youth, Adults, and Dislocated Workers, Public Universities, Community Colleges, Future Ready Oregon); Oregon Department of Education (K-12); and BOLI (Apprenticeships). Data for some partners is available for select time period.
- Note regarding Education data: Community College data is available through the end of Program Year 2016 (2017 Qtr2) and Public University is available through 2019 Qtr1. It is unknown whether students continued at Community Colleges and Public Universities or exited after these dates. PRISM counts all Community College students as exited at the end of PY 2016 (2017 Qtr2) and Public University students as exited 2019 Qtr1. Therefore, employment rates for these two periods may be lower than actual levels. Bureau of Labor and Industries Apprenticeship data is categorized as an Education program in PRISM. Apprenticeship data is currently the only Education data available from 2019 Qtr 2 - present. Apprenticeship exits are counted when individuals complete their apprenticeship program. Those who drop out or leave the program prior to completion are not considered exits. The Bureau of Labor and Industries does not collect Social Security Numbers from apprentices. Without an SSN, to locate wage records for apprentices, PRISM triangulates on name, date of birth and gender with other PRISM program data. Using this triangulation method as opposed to Social Security Numbers to match to wage records results is some apprentices not matched to their wage records because the individual is not located in PRISM partner program records.
Retrieving Summary
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